Tour the Deserted Signal Hill Mall in Statesville NC

Tour the deserted Signal Hill Mall in Statesville NC! What is happening with so many businesses on the east side of Statesville? Why are they closing? Let’s take a tour of the deserted Signal Hill Mall in Statesville NC. I think you will enjoy this local vintage 1970’s mall and as a bonus, I also […]
2011 Carolina Balloon Fest in Statesville NC – October 21-23
The Carolina Balloon Fest is the second largest Balloon rally in the country. Located beside the Statesville Airport, it is a day you won’t soon forget. Bring your whole family for a weekend of entertainment, food, children’s fun area, artisans, beer and wine tasting, and 50 hot air balloons will entertain you throughout the day. […]
It has been an amazing year in Real Estate in Statesville NC
I know you have heard the news and read the papers that the Real Estate market stinks! Home sales are down, inventory is high, Realtors are starving, foreclosures are taking over…….Blah, Blah, Blah……….. Well, let me correct a few things for you about the Statesville area that may put a smile on your face. Don’t […]
Buy a HUD home for just $100 down in Statesville NC and Iredell County.
Below is an article from my weekly e-blast sent out the buyers looking for homes in the Statesville NC area. If you would like to be added to the list to receive weekly distressed listings in Statesville, Iredell County, Troutman and Mooresville, please feel free to sign up and I will add you to my […]
2009 Crossroads Pumpkin Fest
2009 Crossroads Pumpkin Fest - Don’t miss out on this wonderful day out in Downtown Statesville NC. Take advantage of the last warm days and bring your family out to enjoy the fun, food, games and entertainment on November 7th. Join in on the CornHole competition and check out all the local crafts. […]
This June, Statesville was awarded the honor of being an All American City by the National Civic League for the 2nd time. The last time the city was honored was in 1997. Contrary to what some may believe, this is a moment to be proud of what our citizens, business leaders and […]