This June, Statesville was awarded the honor of being an All American City by the National Civic League for the 2nd time.  The last time the city was honored was in 1997.  Contrary to what some may believe, this is a moment to be proud of what our citizens, business leaders and […]

Sonya’s News for Buyers and Sellers

Every Day I am bombarded with information in my email from Real Estate, Mortgage and other resouces for buyers. I have decided that since I will be reading and analyzing many of the articles, I will create an e-newsletter for my clients and anyone else that would like to read it. I will include new […]

Statesville Kicks off FRIDAY AFTER FIVE!

          They came out in droves and filled the streets for the first “Friday after Five”  celebration sponsored by Peidmont Healtcare.  The weather was perfect and the music made you want to kick off your shoes and tap your toes!  The west end of Broad Street was closed off to cars […]

10 great reasons to live in Statesville North Carolina.

After moving here more than 12 years ago, I can certainly think of more that 10 reasons to live in Statesville, but I will highlight what I feel are the best attributes of Statesville and the surrounding areas.   #1. Weather!  After moving here from New England, I can tell you that warmer is better.  When […]