What to know before purchasing a Manufactured Home in Statesville NC.
As the market continues to improve, prices have still remained steady and rates have continued to fall. The word on the street is that a 30 year fixed could go as low as 3%. Crazy huh? I am still seeing a hole in the market though for homes under $125,000. Many of the homes in […]
Available Financing Programs for Home Purchases in Statesville NC
Can you believe it is already mid-July? I am not sure where the summer is going but I can tell you that it has been a busy one so far. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal announced that The U.S. Housing Bust is Over and that housing prices are on the rise. The […]
I have found the perfect home-Now what? NC Buyer tips
Buyer Tips for first time home buyers or those not familiar with buying a home in North Carolina. It has been a very busy week this week for working with buyers. I have had showing appointments in Statesville, Mooresville and the Troutman area just about every day and I will say, the pickins are […]
What does it mean when a property is Pending on my Statesville NC Home Search?
Recently I was asked about the “status” of a property that was for sale in Statesville NCand what “pending” meant and it dawned on me that most buyers do not know the real estate lingo for the different stages a property may be in and what those stages mean so I thought I would pass […]
Homebuyer’s Checklist – What You Should Learn From Your Home Inspection | U.S. Inspect
Via Scoop.it – Statesville Real EstateGreat Checklist for buyers to read prior to their home inspection. Plan to be present and feel free to ask the inspectors as many questions as you have – After all, that’s what you hired them for. Via www.usinspect.com
Buying a home is not as easy as you think
This week I wanted to talk a little about how to find a home in today’s market. It is not as easy as some think. The perception is there is a TON of inventory out there and the prices have been dropping for the last few years so I should be able to find […]
USDA has plenty of funds this year to help home buyers in Iredell County
I remember this time last year we were in a panic because the USDA had run out of funds for USDA 100% financing and some of my buyers had to find alternative loans or put their home search on hold. This is one of the few 100% finance programs still available in our area other […]
Buy a HUD home for just $100 down in Statesville NC and Iredell County.
Below is an article from my weekly e-blast sent out the buyers looking for homes in the Statesville NC area. If you would like to be added to the list to receive weekly distressed listings in Statesville, Iredell County, Troutman and Mooresville, please feel free to sign up and I will add you to my […]
Negotiating the deal! What to know BEFORE you place an offer.
This article is an excerpt from my weekly buyer blast that I send every Friday. I have been experimenting with other days of the week but you will receive it at least once per week. I send out a List of area Foreclosed and Distressed Properties in the Statesville, Mooresville, Troutman areas of Iredell County. […]